



以具有重要植物保护应用价值的链霉菌源微生物农药如米尔贝霉素,尼莫克丁和五谷丰素等为主要研究对象,利用遗传学,生物化学和分子生物学及合成生物学等手段解析其途径特异性和全局性的生物合成调控机制,构建生物合成调控网络;在此基础上,选择有效的代谢改造靶点,从根本上解决限制菌株产量提高的瓶颈,为获得具有自主知识产权的微生物农药高产工程菌株和满足产业发展的迫切需求奠定基础。研究成果以第一或通讯作者在Molecular Microbiology, Science China Life Sciences, Microbial Cell Factories, Frontiers in Microbiology和Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology等期刊上发表SCI论文8篇。授权国家发明专利1项。获省级科学技术一等奖2项。


E-mail: yyzhang@ippcaas.cn


1Yang Xue, Zhang Yanyan#*, Li Shanshan, Ye Lan, Wang Xiangjing, Xiang Wensheng*. 2022. SspH, a Novel HATPase Family Regulator, Controls Antibiotic Biosynthesis in Streptomyces. Antibiotics (Basel). 11(5): 538

2Ye Lan, Zhang Yanyan#*, Li Shanshan, He Hairong, Ai Guomin, Wang Xiangjing, Xiang Wensheng*. 2022. Transcriptome-guided identification of a four-component system, SbrH1-R, that modulates milbemycin biosynthesis by influencing gene cluster expression, precursor supply, and antibiotic efflux. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology. 7(2): 705-717.

3Liu Hui#, Zhang Yanyan#*, Li Shanshan, Wang Jiabin, Wang Xiangjing, Xiang Wensheng*. 2020. Elucidation of the Activation Pathways of ScyA1/ScyR1an Aco/ArpA-Like System That Regulates the Expression of Nemadectin and Other Secondary Metabolic Biosynthetic Genes. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. (8):589730.

4Zhang Yanyan, He Hairong, Liu Hui, Wang Haiyan, Wang Xiangjing, Xiang, Wensheng*. 2016. Characterization of a pathway-specific activator of milbemycin biosynthesis and improved milbemycin production by its overexpression in Streptomyces bingchenggensis. Microbial Cell Factories, 15(1).

5He Hairong, Ye Lan, Li Chuang, Liu Hui, Wang Haiyan, Guo Xiaowei, Wang Xiangjing, Zhang Yanyan*, Xiang Wensheng*. 2018. SbbR/SbbA, an important ArpA/AfsA-like system, regulates milbemycin production in Streptomyces bingchenggensis. Frontiers in Microbiology. 23(9):1064.

6Li Chuang, He Hairong, Wang Jiabin, Liu Hui, Wang Haiyan, Zhu Yajie, Wang Xiangjing, Zhang Yanyan*, Xiang Wensheng*. 2019. Characterization of a LAL-type regulator NemR in nemadectin biosynthesis and its application for increasing nemadectin production in Streptomyces cyaneogriseus. Science China Life Sciences. 62(3):394-405.

7Zou Zhengzhong, Du Deyao, Zhang Yanyan, Zhang Jihui, Niu Guoqing Tan Huarong*. 2014. A γ-butyrolactone-sensing activator/repressor, JadR3, controls a regulatory mini-network for jadomycin biosynthesis. Molecular Microbiology. 94(3):490-505.

8Zhang Yanyan#, Pan Guohui#Zou Zhengzhong, Fan Keqiang, Yang Keqian*Tan Huarong*. 2013. JadR*-mediated feed-forward regulation of cofactor supply in jadomycin biosynthesis. Molecular Microbiology. 94(4):884-897.

9Zhang Yanyan, Zou Zhengzhong, Niu Guoqing, Tan Huarong*. 2013. jadR* and jadR2 act synergistically to repress jadomycin biosynthesis. Science China Life Sciences.
